Click on the thumbnails to enlarge the pictures. Use your browser back button to return to this page. We need more pictures of the PT restoration effort. If you have photo’s that can be scanned please contact the Web Master. Although the PT-26 Restoration is complete and the aircraft has been flying well it still requires a fair bit of maintenance.
The pictures in this photo gallery first appeared in an issue of the Talewind. Pictures and text courtesy of Col. Harry Elegreet.
Tired and covered with oil, Fairchild PT-26 5519N arrives in Albuquerque on July 5th,1986
If the police had shown up they would have drawn a chalk line around the entire original center section
The “NEW” center- section, completely restored and with new wiring and refurbished hardware installed
Fuselage and tail-bones are “sprung” out of alignment and must be replaced
New Wing panels and center-section come together for a “fitting”
The Fuselage, center-section, wing panels and other restored components, begin to come together for final assembly
Foreign material on oil screen after start-up of a professional rebuild disclosed “left behind” shop rag wrapped tightly around accessory shaft
There was a surge of “feel good” through-out the hangar as the center-section neared completion. This represented years of much mental turbulence
There is no doubt that whoever designed the center-section had Sister Mary Splinter-of-the-Cross for 9th grade geometry
Stripping off the outer wing panel revealed many areas of skin damage, mostly wood rot caused by trapped moisture due to missing drain holes
Original horizontal stabilizer flunks inspection
How did it fly on those little wings?
Final engine check
The newly completed and gorgeous Fairchild PT-26A N5519N
Successful test flight, September 10,1998. Note large smoke trail
Here are a few more pictures of the PT-26 restoration while is was based at Coronado.
Raising money
Enjoy these pictures of the amazing restoration of the PT-26 cockpit.