2014 In Their Honor

2014 In Their Honor

Every year the Lobo Wing faces the task of raising enough money to operate our restoration facility. Our annual challenge is to raise those funds. For six years we relied on the annual In Their Honor (ITH) event. The year 2013 was a different story as the committee that organized the previous ITH events needed to take a break from their volunteer duties.It required the efforts of nine individuals, including some non-members, working for eight months to plan and execute each of the previous ITH events. It was the same group of dedicated folks for six years. Each year was very successful but it takes a tremendous amount of time and energy.Generally we need approximately $15,000 per year to remain in operation. This amount includes a variety of liability and property insurances on the hangar and both airplanes, hangar mortgage payments, airport land lease payments and utility payments for water, electricity and propane. The PT-26 operation costs and the AT-11 restoration costs are in addition to the fixed costs of operating the Wing and the facility.

In 2013 we appealed directly to our members for the donations needed to keep the Lobo Wing running. That appeal was successful and we raised what we needed to continue to operate — but we did not meet our fund-raising goal for that year which was to pay down the hangar loan by a greater amount than we achieved.

In 2014 we again asked our members for support. Please help us meet our annual obligations and continue to pay down our hangar loan. With less than two years before our balloon payment is due, we have a real challenge to not only fund our daily operations but also to pay off the remaining loan balance.

We have and will continue to seek donations from outside sources, but that effort has not produced the funding required. This is why we are turning to you our most important asset—our own Lobo Wing members. Please give. If you would like to donate by credit card, please click the button on the right below which will take you to our Lobo Store page. If you would like to join other members who make monthly recurring donations, please click on the button on the left below to print out the recurring donation form. You will, of course, receive a letter acknowledging your tax-deductible donation to the Lobo Wing, Commemorative Air Force, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

We truly appreciate your help in achieving the objectives of the Commemorative Air Force.